Alexandra griggs
I am a multidisciplinary artist from Colombia, based in the Dominican Republic, primarily performing in Punta Cana and Bayahibe. With a background in ballet, gymnastics, and contortionism, I have developed into a skilled aerial artist.
Besides performing on stage, I also train other artists in aerial arts. My goal is to create authentic connections through my performances, taking audiences on an emotional journey. I hope my work provides a meaningful and transformative experience for all who encounter it.
Anastasia, Russian teacher of children's gymnastics and children's ballet. She has been working in Punta Danze since April 2021. The children love her very much; She is patient and very attentive to children. With Anastasia, all children easily learn new skills and improves.
Soy bailarina profesional.
Graduada cómo bailarina de espectáculo musical es lo que me a permitido viajar a países de Europa , Asia y américa latina. Llevando mi cultura cómo bailarina y profesora. Para mi siempre será un placer la labor de enseñar….
I am a professional dancer.
Graduated as a musical show dancer is what has allowed me to travel to countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Carrying my culture as a dancer and teacher. For me it will always be a pleasure to teach...
Nicolas Contreras
18 años en formación como bailarín profesional de folclore y ritmos latinos
He participado en festivales y competencias nacionales e internacionales en países como México, Chile, Colombia llenándome de experiencias y aprendizajes para poder transmitirlas a todo aquel que quiera aprender y bailarse la vida…
18 years in training as a professional dancer of folklore and Latin rhythms
I have participated in national and international festivals and competitions in countries such as Mexico, Chile, Colombia, filling me with experiences and learning to be able to transmit them to anyone who wants to learn and dance their life...
Anya Vasquez
Anya has always been passionate about dance. As a little girl she has gone over jazz ballet, hip hop, salsa and then fully fell in love with Bachata - one of the reasons she stayed in the DR. Her adrenaline way of living got her to train aerial silks she still practices and sometimes even teaches at Punta danza. She runs the dance studio and focuses on the behind the scenes work and makes sure everyone has an unforgettable experience here at Punta Danza.
Kristina Pfeffer
Kristina was the founder of Punta Danza. She has had a long career in professional ballroom dancing, travelling all over the world competing and doing shows. She is originally from Denmark but has lived in London for 12 years before moving to Punta Cana and then back home when she left the studio in the amazing hands of Anya.